About Us
If you want to learn more about us, you’re in the right place. Learn about Aspire, our approach and the people behind it.
Our story
Aspire was created under the vision of Michael Terpin and Jim Blasko.
After years of working together in the Bitcoin and blockchain space, they realized a better asset solution platform was needed.
Aspire was built to replace the existing platforms and their associated problems.

Jim Blasko
Aspire founder and CEO
JIM Blasko
Jim Blasko is the founder and CEO of Aspire. Jim appeared in the crypto space in late 2010 and has been building blockchains and platforms since the birth of Unbreakablecoin in 2013. Jim Blasko also co founded bCommerce Labs with Michael Terpin and Bitcoin Talk Radio with Tom King. Blasko has been featured on CNBC, NABC, and covered by internet publications such as SlashDot, Coindesk, Bitcoinist, KLAS

Michael Terpin
Aspire CO-founder
Michael Terpin
Michael Terpin has been a leader in the cryptocurrency space since 2013. He is the co-founder of bCommerce Labs and Aspire with Jim Blasko. Michael is currently the CEO of Transform Group and CoinAgenda.
Michael is a member of the Satoshi Roundtable and was the co founder of BitAngels, and the founder of Marketwired.